Tuesday, 28 April 2009
- Market Kitchen: Sky Tv program where they mix different chefs, analyze interesting info and anecdotes about the products etc. I have never seen the program but it seems interesting
- Marije Vogelzang: Eating designer with Proef restaurant in Amsterdam and Rotterdam and a book called Eat Love. It seems that she does a similar work to us.
" She is for example inspired by the origin of food, the preparation, etiquette, history or the culture of food. That is why she doesn’t call herself ‘food designer’but, as the first one in The Netherlands, ‘eating-designer’.
“There is no material coming so close to human beings as food”.
It is often thought that designers who work with food only design the shape of the food. Vogelzang’s aim is to look at the content and background of the food. The shape is just a tool to tell the story."
It is interesting, isn't it?
María Llanos
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
Reflecting on the What, Why, How, If
What (did we learn)?
Stop thinking and questioning and just DO IT.
We were investigating the interaction between food and the mind and how it triggered sensations.
Always better to iterate something, because you'll always get back something.
Divide and conquer - tapping into people's strengths and skills.
Keep believing in the project; keep researching; find someone/something to keep it going.
Testing it "outside" was a help, but dont be your own gatekeeper.
Obstacles are drivers.
Be objective enough to look at it as an outsider; keep a fresh/outsider perspective.
Snap decisions are not necessarily a bad thing.
Many times the first idea is the best idea.
A full day workshop together was more beneficial than small meetings.
The collaborative element - and we leveraged other people's skills.
Why (were these things important)?
It's a lost connection because of bombardment of information - calories, nutritional values, etc.
To provide a direct experience between the person and the ingredient.
To allow people to experience something outside of their normal scope of food perception.
We were passionate about the idea and the delivery.
Putting yourself out there for external review helps you learn in the process.
How (did we execute the project)?
This has yet to be completely answered...
If (this happens in the real world, how will it succeed)?
It will happen.... 4 June.
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
While the feedback on our project is still positive, we did get have a few holes poked in how we were satisfying the brief, specifically: what exactly is our artifact? What gap in the marketplace are we trying to fill? What is it that we want our audience to walk away with: knowledge, experience, a full tummy?
While we continue to work on what Valentina would call "our good reasons," we must continue with a few other admin jobs including: drafting a contract stating the terms of the collaboration; discuss how the profits will be divided/how time is valued; and add terms and restrictions to the tickets.
Exhibition 2 - The second year part time students
Maria and I met with the part timers this evening to show our work. Again, we had lots of great feedback and some excellent questions. It was really great to hear their thoughts. Peer review is such a great tool! Maria did an excellent job at doing the condensed history and pitch.
A few of the students commented that it will be hard to keep up the momentum now that the exhibition is over, but I'm hoping that after a few tweeks to things, we're really in a good position.
Exhibition 3 - The whole class
Coming soon...
Monday, 20 April 2009
Exhibition Day
I really want to recognize the way this team pulled together in the past two weeks to make up a lot of ground. The following list is in no way a complete list of all the wonderful things this team has done, but we would not have gotten this far without the research from the library from Maria and Pikk ; the pushing of ideas and excellent design from Valentina and Rein; the efficient project management and profit estimations from Alex and Kristy; and the hit-the-ground-running way that Yui was able to churn out a lot of design work in under a week's time.
This team has really inspired me to see how a brand can be launched almost overnight. What an amazing thing to watch and be a part of.
We have worked a lot on this project and will be continuing our work as we make our website available to the public to promote the event slated for 4 June.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
Food Futures
The bar which gets you tipsy on its air
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gin and Tonic
Adults are often reminded to drink responsibly but customers entering a new cocktail bar where they are literally enveloped in a mist of alcohol are warned to breathe responsibly.
Just 40 minutes inside the venue – which delivers an intoxicating vapour of gin and tonic – will leave you feeling slightly merry.
Punters are also advised to don special protective suits as they enter the walk-in cocktail to avoid going home smelling like a brewery.
To complement the whiff of G&T the bar is decorated with giant limes and massive straws to make visitors feel as if they are inside the drink.
The experience is further enhanced by a special soundtrack featuring the noise of liquid being poured over ice cubes.
The bar, which has capacity for 40 people, is the brainchild of gastronomes Sam Bompas and Harry Parr.
Their other wacky innovations include scratch and sniff cinema and jelly banquets.
Mr Bompas said: 'It's something we have always wanted to do. We are about making food on an epic scale and this is an epic cocktail.
'If you think of what you do in a bar you might spend 40 minutes per drink, so we've calibrated the mixology to account for that much.'
Mr Parr said: 'Here we've vaporised a cocktail.
In the future I would like to make a liquid banqueting table.'
The Alcoholic Architecture bar can be found in Ganton Street, the Newburgh Quarter, central London.
It is open between 7pm and 9pm on selected dates until April 25.
Tickets, priced £5, are available for hourly slots and customers must be over 21.
Go to www.jellymongers.co.uk for more information and tickets.
Properties of suggested foods from Dr. Gaye
Property: Cacao contains a wide array of unique properties and minerals, including high levels of sulfur and magnesium. It may increase your focus and alertness and contains nutrients to keep you happy. Chocolate and cacao are often associated with love. All this is due to phenylethylamine contained in the cacao. Anandamide can be produced in the brain when we are feeling great, cacao makes anandamide stick around longer.
Cocao contains certain chemicals and sensory properties that make the product very appealing. Cocoa contains theobromine (a chemical related to caffeine). The sugar in chocolate releases serotonin (a brain chemical related to a positive sense of well-being). The smooth, rich taste of chocolate (and sometimes the fillings) provides sensory pleasure to the taste buds. In addition, many people use chocolate as a reward and learn to associate the product with positive self-esteem.
The plant contains components that include: alanine, alkaloids, alpha-sitosterol, alpha-theosterol, amylase, arginine, ascorbic-acid, ascorbic-acid-oxidase, aspariginase, beta-carotene, calcium, dopamine, fructose, glucose, glutamic-acid, leucine, linoleic-acid, lipase, lysine, niacin, peroxidase, phenylacetic-acid, phenylalanine, phosphorus, riboflavin, rutin, tannins, theobromine, thiamin and many other things.
Cacao seeds contain fat, usually around 40%, consisting of oil of cacao, cacao butter, theobromine (.9% to 2.35%), small quantities of theine (.05 to .37%), starch, ash and protein matter (6% to 17%). These percentages vary due to the decomposition of glucosid influenced by fermentation. Theobromine may act as a diuretic, and has a stimulant or exciting action not possessed by chocolate itself. Theobromine and theophylline, like caffeine, all found in this plant are used in modern medicine as anti-asthmatic.
Site: http://www.rawcacao.com/
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7937582@N03/471277642/
Lacuma (powder) --- Substitute – cant find properties, it’s just something on the OKed list
Property: A sweet, gourd-like Incan fruit, which is dehydrated and ground into powder. It has a low glycaemic index and is suitable for diabetics.
Site: http://www.costsectorcatering.co.uk/online_article/Raw-revolution/4554
Photo: no photo found
Fruit – general inclusion on the menu
Property: A generous intake of fruits in the diet will enable a person to lead a healthy life. Fruits prevent all diseases and keep a person smart, energetic and active all through his life up to the ripe old age. (lots more stuff on the site)
Site: http://www.kuruppampady.com/fruits.php
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/preperties/523558619/
maca (p)
Property/about: Maca (Lepidium Meyenii) is a tuberous plant that grows between 3,000 and 4,000 meters above sea level in the Peruvian Andes.
Even now, the Peruvians use Maca as a source of energy, as well as, other countries of South American, North America and in Europe. Maca is mainly known as "Peruvian Viagra" or "Peruvian Gingseng" because it helps stimulate the libido of both men and women.
Maca increases vitality and gives extra energy. Athletes, bodybuilders and other sportsmen and women use Maca to build up extra energy naturally. Scientific research has shown that Maca improves sexual performance in men and women. But Maca also stems the symptoms of menopause. Millions of women have already discovered Maca and experience a more pleasant menopause thanks to Maca.
Site: http://www.maca.co.uk/
Photo: http://www.naturallygreenmacapowder.co.uk/images/maca-root.jpg
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ammichaels/2865815860/
Property: Cashew nuts are significant sources of iron (essential for red blood cell function and enzyme activity), magnesium (promotes energy release and bone growth), phosphorus (builds bones and teeth), zinc (essential to digestion and metabolism) and selenium (has important antioxidant properties, thus protecting the body from cancer).
These nuts are also good sources of protein.
In comparison to other tree nuts, cashew nuts have a lower fat content. They are also, like all other tree nuts, cholesterol free.
Cashew nuts also contain significant amounts of phytochemicals with antioxidant properties that protects the body from cancer and heart disease.
Site: http://www.health24.com/dietnfood/Healthy_foods/15-18-21-638.asp
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jonasthomen/432726656/
Property: Macadamia nuts contain significant amounts of fibre (helps the movement of the digestive tract) and the B-complex vitamins (mostly involved in the metabolic processes).
These nuts also contain small amounts of selenium (has important antioxidant properties, thus protecting the body from cancer), calcium (builds bones and teeth), phosphorus (builds bones and teeth), potassium (regulates the body's fluid balance), iron (essential for red blood cell function and enzyme activity) and magnesium (promotes energy release and bone growth). Although the energy value of these nuts is relatively high, macadamias contain no cholesterol. Like all other varieties of nuts, macadamias also contain antioxidants associated with a decreased risk of certain types of cancer, like breast, cervical, gastrointestinal, lung, stomach and prostate cancer.
Site: http://www.health24.com/dietnfood/Healthy_foods/15-18-21-635.asp
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jessicafm/71922690/
Properties: list of properties of various herbs on site – herbs were named as colorful and fool of properties
Site: http://www.holisticonline.com/Herbal-Med/Hol_Herb_glossary.htm
Photo: http://www.flickr.com/photos/reginaj/3201415747/
Properties of suggested foods from Dr. Gaye
Camu Camu is used mainly for its edible fruits. The extraordinarily high Vitamin C content.
Camu Camu has also a unique aroma and fruit pigmentation. A reddish pigment in the leathery skin (probably anthocyanins) imparts an attractive and unique pink color on juices extracted from Camu Camu. The aroma is subtle, but is not as captivating as in more popular fruits. Camu Camu is more recently also used in ice creams, sweets, etc.
Site: http://www.absoluteastronomy.com/topics/Camu_Camu
Picture from Site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/7631803@N04/445248684/
Information/Property: Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus.
Raw sauerkraut is an extremely healthful food. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, lactobacilli, and other nutrients. It also provides various cancer-fighting compounds including ITC and sulphoraphane.[9]
Site: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauerkraut#History
Picture from site : http://www.thenibble.com/reviews/nutri/matter/images/sauerkraut-260.jpg
Sesame Milk
Property: Sesame milk is an excellent dietary source of calcium, sesame seeds are also a good source of manganese, copper, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, vitamin B1 (thiamin), zinc, vitamin E, healthy protein, and fiber.Sesame seeds also contain sesamin and sesamolin, two substances that are thought to prevent high blood pressure and protect the liver against oxidative damage.
Site: http://drbenkim.com/articles/sesame-health-benefits.htm
Picture from Site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/29081172@N03/2722762386/
Chia Seed
Property: Chia Seed is a Good Source of: B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, and Omega 3 fatty acid. Chia seeds has 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries.
Site: http://hubpages.com/hub/Chia_Seed_Its_Health_Benefits
Picture from site: http://www.nutsonline.com/images/items/07068l1336.jpg
Sprouts (in general)
Property: Sprouts are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and enzymes. A sprout possesses all of the energy, vitamins and nutrients and power that enables it to be transformed from a small seed into a strong plant. At this stage its nutritional value is at its highest for instance, sprouted seeds can contain 400% more protein than lettuce and over 3900% more beta-carotine.
Further info: Studies have also shown that broccoli and other types of sprout contain exceptionally high levels of a natural cancer fighting compound called sulforaphane (20 – 50 times more than in mature broccoli) which helps support antioxidants such as vitamin C and vitamin E.
Site: http://www.energiseforlife.com/sprouting_benefits.php
Picture from Site:
Flax Seed
Property: Flax Seed Oil contains omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, potassium, lecithin, magnesium, fiber, protein, and zinc and also omega-3 oils.
Further Info: Flax seed as shown in many studies include lowering total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the Bad cholesterol) levels. Other benefits show that flax seed may also help lower blood triglyceride and blood pressure.
Site: http://www.healthcastle.com/flax.shtml
Picture from Site: http://www.naturallygreen.co.uk/images/flaxseed.jpg
Agave (Nectar)
Information/ Property: Agave was cultivated for centuries by the native American population for fibers, food and drinksAgave syrup has become one of my favorite naturally sweeteners since I find it to be delicious. Moderation of use is advised since agave syrup has a lot of calories. An alternative to high calorie sugars is the stevia plant which has no calories
Site: http://www.raysahelian.com/agave.html
Picture from Site: http://www.theraway.com/images/agave_syrup.jpg
Property: Ginger has the following properties are of particular use for therapeutic purposes :
Antispasmodic : It relaxes all types of muscle.
Aromatic : Ginger’s aroma, flavor, and warmth help to stimulate the digestive system.
Carminative : The volatile oils in Ginger relax the stomach and stimulate peristalsis (the wavelike motion of food through the gut) thereby supporting digestion and reducing gas.
Diaphoretic : It induces perspiration and the elimination of toxins through the skin.
Rubefacient : Applied to the skin, Ginger stimulates and dilates the blood capillaries, increasing circulation.
Sialagogue : It promotes the secretion of saliva.
Stimulant : As a circulatory aid, it supports and speeds up the body’s physiological systems.
Site: http://www.mondiathailand.com/GingerBenefit.htm
Picture from Site: http://www.weieast.com/resources/weiEast/images/libraries/content/herbalknowledge/Ginger.jpg
Praopilas C.
Wednesday, 15 April 2009
Responsibilities Update
About Us RE
Revised Concept Statement VT
Brand Identity, Logo etc RE/VT
Marketing Website VT
Design Website AB/KM/VT
Finalise Payments Method AB
Biographies KM
Information on food we are using PC/KM
Images of food KM
Event Schematic YN/PC
Experience Map PC
List What you get for your money VT
Publish Biographies to Website AB
Ticket - map of how to get there VT
Design Ticket RE/VT
Event Music KR
Projection and food Information PC/KM/RE
Publication VT
Process AB
Sketchbook MLC
Balance Sheet AB/KR
Planning ALL
CSM Exhibit YN
Event ALL
Minutes - Brindisa
Our main agenda was to discuss the theme of the event, make a list of foods that should be used to convey our theme, and find a date for the event that suits all parties.
First, the theme chosen is VIBRANT. We want the meaning(s) of vibrant to be a multi-sensory approach using food as the major medium for that message, with sight (color), sound (crunch), touch (texture), smell and taste. As additional sensory stimuli, we'll use projected images and music to make the space engaging.
Suggested images are the use of Kirlian photography, which shows the aura of the fruit or vegetable.
I also brought up the idea of chromotherapy, where we could also incorporate color blocks associated with the idea of vibrancy on the wall (if we can associate which colors work with the correct chakras).
Second, Dr Gaye wrote a list of suggested foods that incorporate the word vibrant in many forms: physical properties (energy), color (vivid), and living properties (vitality).
Foods like Maca powder have energizing properties, for example, while cabbages are colorful (white, green, purple) and make sauerkraut. As for living foods, an example of this would be bean sprouts, mung beans, and other sprouting vegetables.
Third issue discussed was the date for the event. Both Nuno and Morgaine will check for June 4 and 5 as options. With busy schedules, it was hard to coordinate for both of them to be here in London at the same time, or not already engaged in another event.
The full list of foods, properties and photos for exhibition were researched by Kate and Pikk, while Yui and Valentina are busy working on the overall look and feel of the logo, exhibition materials and event prep, including: website, menu and ideas for visuals.
Tuesday, 14 April 2009
Chefs on Video
Maybe we could do a video or something similar for our event, to add another element of multimedia to it? It could go on our webpage and attract a larger audience...
Foodlab with Thierry Marx
Breathable Booze & Chocolate?

Bompton & Barr (Makers of fine english jelly) do culinary events... One of which is an event where you breathe alcohol! Im gonna go and check it out on friday, i suggest you guys should too if you can.
Also out on sale next month is breathable chocolate, check out
"Harvard professor David Edwards, lead inventor of Le Whif, says: "Over the centuries we've been eating smaller and smaller quantities at shorter and shorter intervals. It seemed to us that eating was tending toward breathing, so, with a mix of culinary art and aerosol science, we've helped move eating habits to their logical conclusion. We call it whiffing."
Le Whif is a terrific way to curb your appetite or to accompany a coffee, and Edwards says inhaled chocolate is just the beginning. New culinary innovations that involve eating by breathing are being developed by the Foodlab at Le Laboratoire, Edwards' art and science innovation center in central Paris."
Its really intersting that we are coming across food in this way. I wonder if we are now more susceptible to seeing or whether we really have come in at the right time of a trend beginning?
Exhibition Space and Draft

After the first visit of Nuno's place.
This is how I think we can use the space, just the rough draft.
At this stage we haven't discussed about how the food is going to be. Once we have decided on that I think we will be able to move forward, to foresee the overall mood for the exhibition.
Praopilas C.
Monday, 13 April 2009
More than food for thought
Whilst thinking more about the impact of food on mood I began to think about food and medicine. Many medical practitioners realise there is a strong link between mood and food and it made me think about my nephew who has Asperger’s Syndrome (AS).
AS is high functioning Autism, he also had Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD) and Celiac Disease (where one must eat gluten free products). Though my nephew does need to eat a gluten free diet, it is it is often recommended, mainly on the Internet and occasionally by their doctors, that the child with AS and ADD, should eat a gluten free diet. The effect of this can be profound, with many accounts by parents citing that the change in diet has led to massive improvements in their child and in some cases, some even talk of ‘miracles’.
Of course one can be sceptical of this, but I feel that there must be some truth in this, especially as the incidence of celiac disease is much higher in those with autism. Further to this, the charity mind (www.mind.org.uk), also state that they have found links between mood and food and thus mental health.
The following link leads to an interesting article that explores this further:
It has a brief and interesting section discussing why food affects mood on page 3...
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Mood and Design

Ehmann, S., Klanten, R., moreno, S., Raymon, M., sanderson, C., Schulze, F., Wagner, o. (2008) Create: Eating Design and Future food. Berlin: Gastalten.
These images and information are about color, mood and interpretaion, I hope this will be useful for an upcoming event. I will upload information about typologies and example of interesting food space and idea of laboratory lunch box I got ASAP. For more explanation, I will give you at next meeting.(hope this not too late :()
First, I like Spoonfed. It's a great service that one can tailor to a specific area of London on a particular day to find out what's going on. Also, their name works so well with a food-oriented event, no?
Second, I like Miss Fitzgerald. Not only is she working hard at marketing Spoonfed, she also loves to eat. Meeting her to give her the details about the project was just as much for her own interest as it was about how Spoonfed could help promote us. Plus, we just seem to miss each other at networking events, so it was time to introduce ourselves properly.
I look forward to meeting her again, along with Alex and Henry, the founders of Spoonfed, to discuss how the Evocative Foods team can collaborate with them on one of their upcoming developments.
To see what Meaghan thought of our meeting, check out her personal blog The Top Floor Flat.
Thursday, 9 April 2009
We visited Chef Nuno Mendes's loft today to exhibit our current progress on the project, and to also view the event location so that we could begin to conceptualize the artistic additions to the space via projector.
Nuno also brought in a friend of his, Miguel, to work on the event details with us. I believe that his interest in bringing his friend in is his way of sharing his enthusiasm for the project. My understanding is that they are quite interested in the way this could turn into a series.
The team has worked incredibly hard in just 48 hours. I believe that we all are so excited about the project and the possibilities that we are all putting in our best efforts to really make this special.
My happy bubble cannot be popped. My brain hurts from not being able to shut off. What a rush!!
1) Idea / Concept:
- Brand document
2) Process:
- BLOG (a computer showing the actual blog)
3) Iteration/the Event:
- Website
- Invitation for the event
- The draft of the possible book we are publicating
- The Menu
- Interviews' pictures
- Nuno's place pictures
- The possible images we are projecting on the event
- Summary of the negotation (which roll represent each of our collaborators, financial issues, future collaborations etc.)
- PR Actions (how we have communicated this event, special actions etc.)
- Merchandising projection (ideas of elements to be quickly explored)
- Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet
María Llanos
Wednesday, 8 April 2009
Evening Meeting with Chef Nuno Mendes
Meeting Dr. Morgaine Gaye- Food Futurologist
Dr. Gaye illustrated her "super food chocolate mousse" which is free from sugar, gluten, wheat, and salt. The mousse is made from raw materials consist of cacao (3 times stronger anti-oxidant than Green Tea), coconut water, coconut oil (anti-bacteria), avocado(rich in vitamin c) and agave nectar.
What Dr. Gaye strongly agreed, which was also our assumption in doing the evocative food project, was that whatever we consume, certainly, has an effect on our mood and the way we feel.
Dr. Gaye has shed new light in the way we consume food in term of nutrition, health, and beauty. I'm sure will keep updating about her work and upcoming event!!
Praopilas C.
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Alternative Execution
Has anyone seen the "Nurture" sticker on the fruit or vegetable products in Tesco?
The sticker is to inform you that the fruits have been planted from a good environment. This is to certified customers that they're buying qualitied products.
Also, there's sticker that sticks on the egg and meat products called "FREEDOM FOOD, RSPCA MONITORED". By buying the product that has this sticker. It means that you're supporting "to prevent cruelty, promote kindness to and alleviate suffering of animals."
So I'm thinking that if we want this project to move farward realistically, may be we should create a website, identifying who we are, what we're trying to do and, importantly, we should provide information of food properties and histories and how it's linked to emotion.
So what we can do is to create stickers with different colors which contain "Logo and our website". Different colors of stickers indicate what emotion you're getting from the food. (they have to check online)
Collateral Merchandise

Food For Thought Lunch Box
Monday, 6 April 2009
It is not really easy to read but if you go to the Summary part of each section you will be able to see the main types and quantities foods' consumption and the nutritional status of participants.
Interesting data:
- The youngest group of men and women were more likely to have consumed savoury snacks and soft drinks, not low calorie, whereas those in the oldest age group were more likely to have consumed fish & fish dishes and fruit (excluding fruit juice).
- Respondents in the present survey were more likely to have consumed, for example, breakfast cereals, savoury snacks, soft drinks (low calorie) and alcoholic drinks. Data compared to 1986/1987 survey.
- Two-thirds of men, 66%, and over half of women, 53%, were overweight or obese, with
men more likely to be overweight or obese than women (that is, BMI greater than 25). The same data in 1986/87 survey was 45% men overweight or obese and 36% women. - 25% of men and 20% of women were obese, and a further 42% of men and 32%
of women were overweight.
Link to the complete pdf survey
María Llanos
Running Bibliography
COLOUR MUSEUM WEBSITE - Article about Colour for food and packaging
Restaurants and caterers to display calories on their menus: Burger King, KFC and Pizza Hut between them!!!
INNOCENT COMPANY: you were right Alex, they look nice and easy to approach!
GREEN AND BLACKS: Interesting, they have a chocolate testing guide. If we prepare boxes only with sweet and spices we could sell them on its shop.
KONDITOR AND COOK: Our box will be possible to send inside their Magic Cake section. What about putting ingredients that really cheer you up or make you relax??
FAST FOOD NATION (Eric Schlosser)
IN THE DEVIL’S GARDEN – A sinful history of forbidden food. (Stewart Lee Allen)
SLOW FOOD – The case for taste (Carlo Petrini)
AROMATHERAPY IN YOUR DIET – Discover the therapeutic benefits of everyday foods. (Danièle Ryman)
FOOD IN THE ANCIENT WORLD (John M. Wilkins and Shaun Hill)
FAST FOOD NATION ( I've seen it today but not so interesting as the novel, a lot of data missing)
Breathable Food
In the history of architecture and design there have only been a few "effects"—electric light, forced air—that have had the capacity to cause massive environmental and behavioral shifts. Last year at Barcelona's annual design fair, the Catalonian designer Marti Guixe presented another—breathable food. "Pharma-food, a system of nourishment by breathing," is an appliance that was developed by Guixe to explore the transformation of food into pure information.
Guixe, who has been studying alternative forms of eating for several years, realized that the breathing of "food" already occurs via the inhalation of dust that hangs in the air at work and at home. Guixe hypothesized that this form of eating, from which one gains a miniscule amount of minerals and vitamins, could be trans-formed into a more potent meal, a "dust-muesli," that would supply a powerful dose of nutrients. The Pharma-Food appliance, which sprays this ærosolized nutrition, connects to a computer and requires Microsoft Excel to enter exact values for such things as riboflavin, vitamin C, and protein. The combination of these nutrients are saved on the computer as documents with names such as "SPAMT," which has the nutrient "language" of tomatoes and bread, and "Costa Brova," a "seafood" dish that is heavy on the iodine and light on carbohydrates. Guixe imagines diners composing these "meals" and sending them as e-mail attachments to other owners of the Pharma-food emitter. "Like MP3," says Guixe.
While Guixe has explored the experience of eating this information, less explored and of equal significance is where this type of eating can now take place. Guixe imagines Pharma-food in a special "Pharma-bar," essentially a simple room with tables and chairs and several emitters. But why is this necessary when he has liberated food from kitchens and from forms of ingestion that require utensils and dishes? Pharma-food will allow eating to occur anywhere at any time; on subways, in cars, in our beds, while exercising, sleeping, or making love. Most interesting is what effect this device will have on the home, particularly the American home, which is dominated by the kitchen. While technologies are given free range at work and in other public spheres, the home is typically the place where devices such as Pharma-food are tamed and held in balance by a previous technology that the new device is meant to replace. Central heat did not eliminate the fireplace; it allowed this formerly grimy, soot-filled artifact to become an æsthetic symbol and heart of the American home. People began using fireplaces less, but when they did, they burned wood in them again instead of coal. Similarly, cooking the monthly meal may involve stoking a wood-fueled, cast-iron stove while simultaneously breathing a few appetizers with friends.
Pharma-food joins the work of other, primarily European, designers who are exploring alternative regimens for such activities as washing or eating. One of Guixe's Catalonian contemporaries, Ana Mir, is exploring a technology that allows one to wash without water. Like Guixe's approach, this project would allow washing to occur anywhere. In their work, these designers not only free regimens from their fixed location in relation to certain products; they also free these activities from their traditional engagement with the body. Unlike designers such as Philippe Starck or Richard Sapper, who strive to revise traditional technologies, Guixe has discovered that the problem of eating does not involve the design of a new type of stove, sink, or refrigerator—the problem of eating requires finding a new mouth.
This is really interesting. Does this take the emotion out of eating or does it increase/strenghten the relationship between emotion & food? If we could do this, I think eating would become a purely experiential hobby like shopping (where once upon a time, people went to shops to replenish required supplies, now its a hobby).
Sunday, 5 April 2009
Historically, people had a more holistic relationship with food – there was a greater understanding of the provenance and properties of ingredients. ‘In a rush to get the food to the table’, we have lost this relationship, often breaking food down into ‘calories’ and assessing it only on ‘nutritional value’.
Whereas we cannot recoup this past relationship, we believe that we can build on it. By deconstructing food into its basic essence, we are adding a new dimension to the way food is perceived.
Not only would this insight enable people to make informed choices about what they currently consume, we believe that in the future, thoughts, sensations and behaviours could be the basis for choosing the food we eat."
(Guys, the brand document draft will be sent to you tomorrow evening, ive made some good progress but my brain is fried)
High Fives
I dont want to reveal too much, but I am so excited to meet them both that I could run around high fiving our team. These two meetings are exactly what this program is about - taking an artifact to the professionals to meet and further shape our artifact.
Today's meeting at The Pommeler's Rest near Tower Bridge has been one of our most productive meetings to date. I really feel like we are narrowing our focus and really coming together with a plan.
- Passing knowledge about food
- Making people aware of the senses experience when they eat (make them renew the experiential relationship with food)
- Link this experience with an emotion (emotions raw food materials give)
Our idea developed in different possibilities:
- BOX: Self explanatory product which would include the raw materials, info and graphic part.
Problem: we can't sell food (license problems)
- FOOD COMPANY partnership: (Innocent drinks, Green and Black). They will supply the raw material. Could be developed into a cookie or a drop.
Problem: we should loose some of our identity and transform the idea depending on the nature of the food supplier.
- EVENT: Not enough for such a powerful idea. We need something long lasting and not so superficial.
Problem: With the different sponsorships, it will look like a food trade.
- RESTAURANT partnership: it could have been an experiential course, an EvocativeFoods menu, pilot session.
Problem: Identity's lost again and not the right place to be really innovative.
We want a product that combines our main purposes:
- Passing knowledge about food
- Make people renew a more experiential relationship with food
Why don't we build an educative and funny experience?
Definition of game: It is a structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyment and sometimes used as an educational tool...they often involve mental and physical stimulation or often both. ..some games perform and educational, stimulational and psychological role.

Don't you think the wheel and its "cheeses" could look like the box idea?
Different colors for different emotions questions and the player that answers the questions best is the one who starts experiencing the food properties.
People would buy the game and it will bring a food list with basic things they have to buy to start the game so we won't have the food supply problem and we can start talking to game companies to see if they find the project interesting.
María Llanos