Thursday 9 April 2009


What a beautiful thing is occurring!

We visited Chef Nuno Mendes's loft today to exhibit our current progress on the project, and to also view the event location so that we could begin to conceptualize the artistic additions to the space via projector.

Nuno also brought in a friend of his, Miguel, to work on the event details with us. I believe that his interest in bringing his friend in is his way of sharing his enthusiasm for the project. My understanding is that they are quite interested in the way this could turn into a series.

The team has worked incredibly hard in just 48 hours. I believe that we all are so excited about the project and the possibilities that we are all putting in our best efforts to really make this special.

My happy bubble cannot be popped. My brain hurts from not being able to shut off. What a rush!!



  1. WOW! i have just stumbled on this site. i will read further and further, until i've devoured it all! This is so down my street, BRAVO! BRAVO!

  2. Sarah, I emailed you an invite to be on our list for the first to know when the event will be. Hope you can make it!
